Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Winning The Bye Week

One of the most important weeks in everyone's schedule is the bye week. Depending on the size of your district and how your schedule is structured, your bye week may come at a different part of the season. 

Depending on when your bye week falls during the season, what you do that week may have some nuances. But for the most part there are a number of things you want to do during the bye week, regardless of when it falls. In my career we have had the bye week as early as week 3, and as late as after our last regular season game. 

During my coaching career we tended to make the most out of our bye week, but we also lost some bye weeks as well. Not only did we lose, we got blown out. Before I get to that, let's talk about winning the bye week.

There are 5 main things you can do to win the bye week each season. 

  1. Get injured guys healthy
  2. Extra tutorial time
  3. Improve fundamentals like blocking and tackling'
  4. Install a new wrinkle or trick play
  5. Build Depth

During the bye week we want to make sure we give guys that are banged up a chance to rest. This goes hand in hand with #5 on the list, building depth. During our bye week we wanted to give our key guys who are most involved enough work to improve, but we wanted to rest their legs. This meant we could give some backups more reps, while also putting the focus on some guys who we would like to see prepared for a bigger role. 

We want to spend some time getting guys into tutorials to make sure we don't lose anyone to grades. Our bye week usually came near the end of a grading period, which allowed us to get guys into tutorials for opportunities to improve their grades. Just about every coach has some guys who need extra academic attention to be successful. 

We spend a lot of practice time fixing ourselves. We take our areas where we need to show improvement and we focus on those during the bye week. We are going to dedicate time to things like blocking and tackling, and getting off blocks. We are going to work on ball security, catching the football, and all of the fundamental skills we might find we are struggling. 

We are going to install something our opponents have not seen. Usually we are going to put in a trick play or two, and a new wrinkle off something we have had success with. We are going to make sure to call any trick plays we install early in the first game out of our bye week. We also might install a new formation or formation variation, which again, we will run early in the game. 

Now that we have talked about things we do to win the bye week, let's talk about losing the bye week. I learned some hard lessons, and I am hopeful that sharing some of these will help you to avoid the same mistakes I made.

Getting A Player Injured in Bye Week Practices

I have learned this lesson the hard way. One year we had a bye week before our last game of the season. This was going to be for a district championship which would determine seeding for the playoffs. We lost our running back during what was essentially a walk through period. We didn't have shoulder pads on as we were practicing in T-Shirts and shorts. He bumped shoulders with another player and injured his shoulder. This forced us to evaluate some things. We always wore shoulder pads after this during our bye week practices. Losing your best offensive player is not something you want to do during the bye week. 

Having Guys Fail Classes

There are few things worse than players not being eligible because they failed a class. This is why tutorial time is important during the bye week. We want to give them time right after school to see teachers for classes they are struggling in. This goes a long way towards helping your players improve their academics, while also building good will with teachers. 

Not Focusing on Fundamentals

Every single game of every single season we see breakdowns on film. I have yet to have a team every play a perfect game. There is always something fundamental you can focus on during the bye week. If you aren't tackling well, spend some time working on where your breakdowns are occurring. You can do much of this with very controlled drills. 

Unfortunately, we have lost a few bye weeks over the years by focusing more on scheme than fixing our fundamentals. Make a list of fundamentals you need to improve and then prioritize that list during your bye week. 

Recharge Your Batteries

Depending on when you have your bye week, you have to find time to recharge the batteries. Football is a long season, and the by week is an important time to not only prepare physically, but you have to recharge mentally. Typically we are going to have a shorter practice each day, and might even give the players a day off. If you give the players a day off, let your coaches get home for dinner on that day.

We know the work has to get done and there are a lot of theories on how to get the work done. The one thing I wish is that I had been more intentional with how I spent my bye week. It's okay to turn the lights out a little bit early during the bye week to let guys spend some quality time with family. 

Have A Plan

If you are a head coach or a coordinator, you should be planning your bye week in the weeks leading up to. Write down the things you need to work on and begin to prioritize what is most important. The week leading up to the bye you should have an outline of what the week will look like. Have your practice plan mapped out the week before. Then, you can make any adjustments as you get into the bye week. 

The bye week is an important week in your schedule. Treat it with intentionality, and make sure you have a plan to make the most out of your bye week. 

 Let me add this... Preparation and Organization

Being prepared for your opponent is a big part of winning more games. If you want to be more prepared each week, I highly recommend you check out my game and practice planning resource. I spent much of my career as a coordinator. I was an offensive coordinator and defensive coordinator, and coached at both the high school and college levels. I have made available all of our game and practice planning resources that helped us win more games. These have everything you need to be more prepared. They are editable and customizable, and are available as an instant download.  https://sellfy.com/p/AndN/ 

It includes everything from a scouting report template, to weekly practice plans and scripts, to a two-sided color call sheet, and more! Each of the nine documents are fully editable and customizable! Order today and start preparing for your first game right now! This helped us be able to be prepared to attack the defense and put more points on the board. It also helped us be much more efficient and targeted on the weekends when we were game planning. 

When I was a defensive coordinator we adapted this to our defensive preparation! 
Here is a link to the defensive game planning documents. It includes 12 fully editable and customizable documents. https://sellfy.com/p/AY1u/ These are what we used to post 6 shutouts when I was a defensive coordinator. Defensive coordinators at all levels of football are using this. 

And finally, I put together a special teams resource. This has everything you need, included drill tape, practice tape, and game footage. It includes teaching presentations and scouting forms just for special teams! https://sellfy.com/p/tJwz/ This helped us to build dominating special teams! 

I wanted these to be available at a very reasonable cost. These can help you to be more successful on the field and more efficient in the office! 

A while back I got hooked up with CoachTube and put together three courses for offensive football coaches. I put together two courses on RPO's, and a course on Building An Elite System of Communication. All of these courses will help you to score more points! 


All three of these courses are detailed, with everything you need to be more explosive and to score more points. 

The course on communication gives you a detailed approach to your gameday communication. I give you a system and a process to improve the quality of conversations, leading to improved play calling on game day. This course has received outstanding reviews from coaches at all level of football. A coach with multiple state titles told me this course helped them to be much more efficient and explosive this season. 

My two RPO courses take you through a systematic process of installing RPO's into your offensive system. RPO's put the defense in conflict, forcing them to defend all 53 yards of width and all 6 skill players every single play. I not only give you a system, but I teach you the methods to develop your own RPO concepts. 


I published a couple of iBooks that can help your program with X's and O's. The first is on Installing RPO's into any offense. Here is a link to the iBooks version: http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1078061959. The ibooks version includes explanations, diagrams, and video clips on multiple RPO Concepts. It will give you a simple process for implementing them into your offense.
If you don't have an apple device, you can order the paperback version! It is available on Amazon! 
I also wrote a book on Tempo. It will greatly help you build a multiple tempo system with simple communication that will allow your kids to play with confidence. It also had over an hour of video clips! You can order the ibooks version here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1075902270.

Order the Amazon Kindle version here:

New Book

Over the last several months, I have stepped out of my comfort zone and wrote a new book about faith and purpose. The book is available as a paperback on Amazon, and as an eBook for the Kindle App. The cool thing about the Kindle app is that you can read the book on any device. I invite you to read it, and discover the power you receive when you make a decision to walk with the Lord. Here is a link to the book: Finding Faith

Since publishing the book, I have received numerous texts, calls, and emails, from people who are going through similar trials and tribulations. They were feeling many of the same things I was feeling. The found comfort in the book. They also found they had a desire to change and to live better. They wanted more joy. 

I would invite you to read the book and discover the possibilities that God has planned for your life. 

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